Data Group IME-USP


Summarization and classification of legal documents

This is a project that aims to find patterns in legal texts, using semantic knowledge and models, to extract information, summarize legal texts, find hidden patterns or subjects in the decisions. Two products of this project so far have been the publication of a new algorithm for summarizing legal texts and the application of this summarization for classifying legal documents known as "acórdãos", that are decisions from the State's supreme courts.


SISAUT is the workflow system used by the University of São Paulo (USP) to perform autopsies as a public service for the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The autopsy service is called (in Portuguese) Serviço de Verificação de Óbitos da Capital – SVOC. The first goal of autopsy for natural deaths is to determine the cause of death for the death certificate. In addition, the deceased (with consent from families) may choose to donate their bodies for scientific research. São Paulo has a population of 12 million, and on average about 40 autopsies are performed per day in the SVOC to determine the cause of death. Of these, a subset is processed for organ donations for scientific research.


REDS-II and REDS-III were projects sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH-USA) with the purpose of developing researches focused on blood safety. In 2005, the NIH opened a request for proposal to include foreign blood centers to participate in the study. Three important Brazilian blood centers were included among the chosen ones: Fundação Pro-Sangue/Hemocentro de Sao Paulo, Hemocentro de Minas Gerais (HEMOMINAS) and Hemocentro de Pernambuco (HEMOPE). Blood Systems Research Institute (now called Vitalant Research Institute) was the US partner in these projects. In this context, the DATA Group developed an integration system (Blood Donation Data Integration System - bloddis) responsible for gathering data that were routinely collected by Brazilian centers through their transactional systems. This analytical system enabled several researches in blood domain. The group also contributed to Chagas disease and HIV researches, providing computational support as needed.


Desenvolvimento de ferramentas computacionais para criação e análise de indicadores dos dados clínicos e moleculares de pacientes HIV para gestão e tomada de decisão do Departamento de DST, Aids e Hepatites Virais, bem como a Implementação do Teste de Genotipagem para detecção de mutações que geram resistência ao Inibidor de Entrada Enfuvirtida em pacientes submetidos ao HAART, mas sem tratamento prévio com esta classe de drogas.