Data Group IME-USP


Summarization and classification of legal documents

Tool for summarizing legal texts that can be applied for classifying legal documents known as "acórdãos", that are decisions from the State's supreme courts. Repository


WED-SQL is a distributed framework that provides a reliable and efficient way to design and implement business processes whose main contribution is the integration of WED-flow concepts into the PostgresSQL RDBMS. This integration enables the WED-SQL to take full advantage of transactional properties and also benefit from the SQL language to specify the WED-flow definitions. Repository


WED-Make, the major novelty of the new Elba toolkit release, is a workflow language for the specification of complex benchmarks that facilitates the declaration of dependencies; further, the execution of benchmarks specified with WED-Make is driven by dependencies themselves. WED-Make is soon to be introduced in CLOUD 2019, the International Conference on Cloud Computing to be held in San Diego, June 25-30. Repository